Information for foreign students

Each year we have several international students. We have set up a list for you with important information that is relevant for your application process.

Application Process & Study Permit for Norway

1. Apply to the Program

Choose your program and submit your application here: Application Link.

2. Receive & Confirm Your Offer

  • Once we receive your application, you will receive a receipt for application. Then we’ll send you an offer via email. To secure your spot, confirm the offer and pay a NOK 2600 enrollment fee.

  • For international students: We understand bank transfers take time, so we’re flexible with the deadline. Once paid, you have a 2-week refundable opt-out period.

Payment Details:

Org. no: 995 550 105
Bank: Sparebanken Sør, Postboks 200, 4662 Kristiansand
Account No: 30003752301
IBAN: NO2930003752301

  • You can pay the full course fee at once or in instalments. Please include the student’s name in the payment if possible. Course prices. If you can do this together with the deposit, we can send you confirmation of payment for the whole period. This can be useful for the Visa application process.

3. Choose Housing & Preferences

You’ll receive an email to select your dormitory, dietary preferences, and other details.

4. Secure Your Place

Once your enrollment fee is paid, your place at the school is confirmed. After 2 weeks, the enrollment fee becomes non-refundable (but you can ask us to extend the deadline for this payment if you need).

5. Apply for a Visa or Study Permit

If you’re from outside the EU/EEA, you must apply for a visa as soon as possible after acceptance as student: Visa Application.

  • EU/EEA students: No visa needed, only a study permit: Study Permit.

  • Nordic students: No visa or permit required.

6. Immigration Registration in Sogndal

Upon arrival, we’ll help you register at the local immigration office. You’ll need to bring proof of insurance, financial independence, and other required documents—these were submitted with your visa application but must also be shown in person.

  • After you arrive and register with the police, you will receive a Norwegian ID number.
    This is mandatory for all staying for more than 3 months.

  • Even if you are an EU/EOS student, all foreign students need to have a private health/travel insurance from their home country. It makes things easier and faster. We also advise EU/EOS students to apply for an EU health card from your home country.

A Norwegian ID number allows you to apply for free healthcare, a Norwegian bank account, cellphone account etc. But these things could take a long time to process.

Valid private travel/health insurance from home is under all circumstances best for all foreign students.

7. Need Assistance?

We’re happy to help! You can reach us via email, phone, or schedule a chat via WhatsApp, FaceTime, or Zoom—just let us know in advance to accommodate time zones.

Welcome to our school!